About Us

Oh, that’s Pookie! That’s my Pookie. What’s Pookie?

But like….? What is “Pookie”? If you look up Pookie on wikiHow, it states that Pookie is a term of endearment to describe something cute… BUT if you look up Pookie on Urban Dictionary it states that Pookie is a fart that crawls out of your butt hole. So clearly… Pookie has a wide range of meaning. 

Hi, I’m Pookie… also known as, Emilia, the founder of PookieClub. About 7 years back, the kids I nanny named me Pookie. None of us really know how it came about, but we didn’t question it. It fit & it stuck. Here I am, 7 years later launching the PookieClub.

Over the last couple of months, I’ve learned so many stories of what “Pookie" means to others. I was getting off a flight and an older woman looked up at my hat and said that it brought her back 56 years of memories because they called her oldest daughter Pookie. I’ve heard stories of your pets being called Pookie, your significant others, and your best friends. My outgoing personality and my drive to always connect with new people pushed me to start the PookieClub. Because at the end of the day, we’re all Pookie! 

Welcome to the POOKIECLUB! <3 
